Sunday, 19 May 2019


I used sausagemeat instead of faffing around squeezing meat from sausages and substituted light crème fraiche for the pouring cream but that didn't detract from the recipe in any way.  The sausagemeat is given so much depth of flavour by the additional ingredients that you almost feel you are eating beef mince. 
 I enjoyed it so much I know it's one of those recipes I'm going to be turning to again and again.
The weather is certainly not conducive to allotmenteering at the moment.  The incessant dry cold spell following the exceptionally hot Easter has meant that we have held off planting out and the increasing downpours following on now have us in fear of the dreaded slugs and induce slight panic every time we see a slime trail.  Plants are confused by the extremes of weather but the lettuces continue to thrive and we are thinking I could probably supply most of the area with salad for a while! In fact my Mum has dubbed me 'Queen of the salad crops!' - an interesting royal title to own!

In fact one of my butterheads looked picture perfect rehydrating in a jug.  The photo was sent by the friend who was behind me getting my first patch of land to grow fruit and vegs when she generously donated some of her Dad's garden to us:) So now it's my chance to return the favour and also to say a big  thank you.