Sunday, 2 June 2019



Can’t believe that very soon I’ll get a big shot of another of the superfoods that I’ve grown myself.

 Our blueberry plants make me swell with pride - we only bought them last year -  but with a little nurturing and the right watering looks like we will soon be looking forward to our first crop. As long as the birds or our two resident foxes don’t spot them first!  Our cage has protected the gooseberries and went home with a little box today -not enough for a crumble yet though!!

The growing season is still confusing. Brassicas seem to be holding up very well - I may yet grow a successful cabbage for the first time - pigeons and slugs permitting.   
The scarlet red-veined chard is just beautiful and the lettuces and lollo rosso keep on coming.   It looks like we are going to have a healthy harvest of carrots - though always difficult to tell until you pull them  - and it won't be long before we are picking our onions and garlic.  The celeriac looks contented too so there will be more soup in the winter.

However in contrast the usual ‘easy to grow’ courgettes and marrows and butternut squash are struggling valiantly and even the runner beans don’t look as happy as we’d like. Peppers and the tomatoes are holding their own in the greenhouse but we just feel that everything is behind this year.




 I'm recommending you fight the lurgies with this  healthy
simple salmon supper dish that is full of nutrients. 
 Glazed with miso, smoked paprika and balsamic vinegar the salmon is enhanced by salty, garlicky noodles threaded with spinach, leeks and green pepper.

So easy to cook but the end result makes it seem like you’ve been slaving away for a while!
Would have looked a lot prettier on the plate if I hadn’t dropped the salmon at the last minute!