Thursday, 21 July 2016


Current research with all the expected accompanying buzzwords purports to show that horticultural pursuits are good for the nation's health and well being.  In my inherited little oasis, a fruit and vegetable patch passed down generously by a family whose much-loved gardening expert sadly passed away two years ago, I can corroborate this - a sense of calm and tranquillity descending on me as I sow, weed and harvest, unless the snails are on the march when a tumultuous organic/vs non organic battle ensues with my other half!
As the harvesting season bursts into life the valiant quest begins to find diverse ways to utilise gluts of produce magically appearing in every corner each time I visit the garden.  Recipes from BBC's Good Food magazine or the internet, ideas and suggestions from my vocal food group, who meet at the library where I work,  little tips and tricks remembered when I head to local restaurants, all are stored in my increasing files and folders bursting from my larder cupboards.



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