Our Curly Kale has grown more vigorously this year than the Cavolo Nero, which was so successful last season. So it has been interesting finding new ways to cook with this nutrient-boosting vegetable.
Two contrasting recipes, one more suited perhaps to a dinner with guests and the other a quick Saturday night 'takeaway' tea, fit the bill perfectly.
Wholemeal calzone with greens pairs chorizo with garlicky kale and mozzarella.
Add a colourful salad and it becomes even more of a healthy option
Mixing the kale with mascarpone and garlic gives a beautiful green hue to a stuffing for chicken wrapped in bacon.
Moreish home-grown parsnips and sweet potatoes, roasted with red onions, make a wonderful sticky accompaniment.
With the evenings drawing in it might even be time to start considering popping some soup in the freezer.
Hints of lime and ginger put a delicious twist on this kale and broccoli offering - so green and gorgeous it even dyed my blender. Hopefully all that goodness will rub off on me!