Sunday, 18 August 2019


Well if someone had told me a few years ago how excited I'd be when I grew my first cabbage I'd have laughed out loud, but chuffed to bits I was when I cut my first one, eagerly anticipating the crispy heart tucked inside it's floppy leaves and immediately making plans for coleslaw with our weekend barbecue!

I enjoyed the normal bog standard recipe with salads and sandwiches, particularly when I added home-grown grated kohl rabi and baby turnip,  but if you want to put a twist on things you might like to try this spicier alternative for those that like a bit of heat.

 The recipe uses red cabbage but I used the white variety and it still worked a treat.

Our harvest finally arrived with a vengeance! After lots of doom, gloom and pessimism that nothing would grow because of the changeable weather we have been dropping off veg baskets to family and friends on a regular basis as we try to keep up with the glut.  The only failure so far has been the cauliflowers but I don't feel too downhearted about that as apparently,  according to BBC News, it is a countrywide problem causing a shortage in the supermarkets!

These pictures just capture the start of the mayhem.  Since then we have been deluged with beans, dwarf and runner,  an incredible sweetcorn harvest, enjoyed the beauty of the rainbow chard, (not the eating of according to my nearest and dearest!)  not to mention the inter-breeding of courgettes in my fridge!


This vegetable onslaught has put a time constraint on blogging, although I have tried lots of delicious new recipes, but hopefully now we are more on top of things I will be able to put that right and share some of them with you.


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