Saturday 4 January 2020



I wanted to use up the last of the leeks -  they haven't performed that well this year, I think it was probably too wet in the autumn. This recipe where you fill  red peppers with spicy chorizo and healthy  grains was perfect.  I just used a pre-cooked packet of mixed grains which made it a pretty easy option too. That stray bean which hasn't been trimmed in the pic is irking me!!
We also sampled our first cucamelon recently -  well I'm told that's what it's called. Our neighbours on the allotment have grown them this year and gave us one to try.  The slimy seeds, looking a little like frogspawn if I'm honest , added texture to a passion fruit and mango coulis which accompanied a deliciously addictive creamy traybake.  We plan to grow this peculiar, quirky fruit next season.


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