Friday, 4 May 2018




So we’re back - incredibly late in the season - having been thwarted by the ‘Beast from the East’ and time constraints (work really does get in the way!).

Potato plants are reluctant to push their heads through the soil, seedlings have shivered as we’ve tried to harden them off and salad is only timidly showing its face.

However our kale, broccoli and kalettes are standing steadfast in their battle against the elements.

With a promised forecast of warm sunshine we have planted sweetcorn, courgettes and runner beans, given their usual reverent care by him indoors.   I have been gifted some Brightstone beans from the Isle of Wight this year so am in competition with my vintage crop!

Rhubarb is always a stalwart, the first forced pink bundles joyously sweet. Give this cheesecake a try to ring the changes from traditional crumbles. In an effort to be healthy I used low fat cream cheese with quark which was a mistake as it didn’t set as well as it should. I’m thinking the combination of quark and mascarpone would probably improve things or I’d perhaps add a little powdered gelatine next time.  We didn't opt for the pistachios as we didn't think they would add anything to the dish.
 A whats app message from number one son tells me rhubarb builds bone strengthening power!  Suffering from an aching skeleton after my last stint at the garden - perhaps I need to go back for second helpings!



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    1. I’ve lots more rhubarb recipes you can try too!! A lovely rhubarb fool trifle with shortbread biscuits!! Even nicer the next day:)
