Saturday 1 September 2018


 ....Here I go again how can I resist you? And how can I resist this  *glossy, bulbous aubergine I picked from the garden  that sent me into raptures of excitement! 

 Brushed with oil and griddled and tucked into a deep rich tomatoey sauce heaped with mozzarella cheese, it made a divine chicken parmigiana.

I'm over the moon that thanks to the heatwave I’ve managed to grow these delicate vegs usually suited to warmer climes.

*Thanks for the adjectives Caroline!:)
Looked online but can't find the Waitrose recipe so here's what you need for two people.  You would also  need some garlic bread and/or salad with it.
  • Brush an aubergine with oil and griddle in something like a George Foreman or griddle pan.
  • Chop up a carrot, one onion and a stick of celery and fry. 
  • Add one and a half tablespoons of tomato puree, some Waitrose Cooks' Ingredients Italian mix, 125mls of red wine, a can of tomatoes and another half a can of water.
  • Dice two chicken breasts and add to this sauce and simmer for half an hour.  Add some good handfuls of basil once this is done.
  • Mix a handful of breadcrumbs with a tablespoonful of oil.
  • Then layer sauce, then aubergine, breadcrumbs, then parmesan three times.
  • Top with a couple of good handfuls of mozzarella and bake at 200 degrees gas mark 6 for 25-30 minutes.
If you'd like the proper recipe let me know and I can always copy it for you:)

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