Saturday, 4 August 2018


No recipe today, just some parental bragging.
The scorching summer may be ruining our runner beans but with the current  Mediterranean conditions there are other unexpected burgeoning beauties everywhere giving the garden a touch of the exotic.
Small but perfectly formed, these ornamental chillis are stunning - but I've no idea how fierce their heat will be!
Peppers abound in all shapes and sizes.

Just looking at these jewels is enough to give you a health kick and it gives me such a thrill to think that they came from free seeds!
Can't wait to turn this into a parmigiana.
So excited about my celeriac crowning early - already anticipating creamy soup when the weather cools down.
All such glorious gifts from nature!


  1. Amazing Xxx please let me how do they taste? Xxx

  2. The tomatoes are so sweet and the chillis are hot hot hot! :)
