Sunday, 2 October 2016


If like me you enjoy foraging you might have been a little disappointed this year.  The changeable weather has meant pickings from the hedgerows are sparse - blackberries are tiny and few and far between but we managed to get enough together for a few favourite autumnal desserts.
On balmier days try a  simple shortcake, the  clotted cream adds such a glorious  dimension to the dish.  Heaven help my cholesterol levels!

Or for those chillier days when you want to hunker down with something consoling, sticky and treacly try  these  little mini sponge puddings .

This is another ancient recipe, torn from a magazine while I was in hospital I believe! I have another I saved from an aeroplane journey! I'm told this tearing out of recipes is one of my geriatric tendencies!  Still hopefully you can excuse my eccentricities when you taste the end result!
Grease four mini pud moulds.
Divide six ounces of blackberries between the moulds.

Share 2tbsp of soft brown sugar and one and a half tbsp. of golden or maple syrup between them.  I prefer the taste of the golden.
  Beat together four ounces of marg, one and a half ounces of soft brown sugar, one and a half tbsp of syrup, two eggs, three ounces of self raising flour, one of plain, half a teaspoon of baking powder and two and a half tbsp of milk.

Spoon into the moulds and cover them with foil.
Bake at 160 degrees in a fan oven for about 45 minutes until a skewer comes out clean.    
One for you!                                                       
                                                           One for me!
Pudding heaven!
This can be made in a large pudding basin too - my original recipe requires double the ingredients I have used here and then doubles the cooking time.

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