Sunday 16 October 2016


The perpetual spinach is so living up to its name!  It just seems to go on and on forever.  Therefore  I need to find something to cook so it isn't wasted.  I have been making this Ross Burden recipe for years (where is he now?!) but because it was lacking vegetables, other than red onions,  over time I decided to add spinach to the curry sauce to make it healthier and it has worked really well.  Try it and see.

Chop one red onion and fry with two cloves of garlic.  Then sprinkle in ground cumin and coriander to your taste and three tablespoons of medium curry powder.  Cook for a few minutes.  Add two tablespoons of tomato puree and a can of light coconut milk.  Leave to simmer.

Make 500grams of pork mince into small patties.

 and brown in a frying pan while the sauce is cooking. 

When they are cooked add them to the sauce

and then pop in as much spinach as you like just before you are ready to serve as obviously it wilts down quickly.  Scatter with chopped coriander before serving.

My curry posts seem to be among the most popular at the moment so this is one for all you connoisseurs of spicy food!

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